To All: The New Head Medi'cilus for Mitrona.


Trendsetter and Loremaster Buggie
Staff member

A message would be posted on the noticeboard. Every houses mailbox would also have this letter. Upon the paper, the writing is in cursive. Though the lettering is big to make it easier to read.

Former Head Medi'cilus Shalia Chamaire had took charge of the clinic for several years. In this time she has proved herself to be more skilled than the average citizen. Working for the clinic day and night.. she had become restless. The stress of holding so many peoples lives in one hand is not an easy job. I admire her, truly. I came to Chamaire with pure curiosity and one dream in mind: to help others. To fix others and leave a lasting impression in their lives. That is all. Chamaire saw this fiery passion within me. And since those two years of me being a student under her, she passed the leadership role to me. Something I will hold dearly. As of 04.09.1536, Jolie Elaine Lovell holds the title of Head Medi'cilus. Though, do not fear, Shalia Chamaire will continue her intent of helping when she can. Please, though, respect her privacy as she intends on focusing on her personal life.

Ring the bell, send me a letter, call my name, knock upon my door. I am sure I will do anything within my power to help. As it is my duty, to help all of Mitrona with pure intent.


At the bottom of the page, has the same handwriting. Though now it is in a smaller font.

"Ironic, is it not?"
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A certain purple tiefling was running through the streets of Mitrona when a paper with Jolie's signature caught his attention. Pulling down the cloth covering up to his nose, he tilted the head and leaned on the letter by the noticeboard.

"Well look at you My Blossom..."

Was let out in a muffled mumble, now that the scarf was covering his face again, swiftly following his course through the city. Noting that next time they meet, it should be mentioned the pride this caused.
As she goes through her mailbox for the morning, the young black-haired elven woman finds the letter and reads it, and smiles as she finishes.
"Well done Jolie. Very well done."
With pride and happiness clear in her tone.
She then looks around at the now awakening city and says thoughtfully:

"This really is a time of change..."
Before looking back at her now-awake husband and reentering her house.
Shalia, now well rested and looking less stressed out than ever squints at the bottom message. Her skin is absolutely RADIANT.
"I fail to see the irony."