Washed up sailor's note


Sultana of Anjyarr & GM
Staff member
A single washed up parchment, found on the shores of Konigstein. It seems to be a wet, ripped page from a sailor's journal.

Howard Windt,
I be hearing of news deckward. Be finding myself in a predicament from these tales. What's this of word from Raevendrecht? That ole' hell 'old has fallen? Or changed? Word ain't mean scrap on ere. We're paid to do a job, and as long as those orange scarf loyalists give us our pay, we ain't ere to ask questions. If we don't get our pay.. we're be finding it ourselves. Can't keep ya trade lanes open safely without an escort.

Just pray I land foot before me book does! Would be nice to know if we're getting paid.

The last 'paid' is emphasised heavily, all written in messy ink that seems to be near faded.
Anne-Marie de Ruiter, the Countess of Königstein would be on her usual morning stroll as she caught a glimpse of the washed up piece of paper. The sun would only just begin to break through the horizon, slowly rising it's way above the waves of the sea. They left warm sunrays on the shore, but also the wet, torn out page. She shuffled her way through the sand, extending a hand to grab the piece of paper, waving it a bit before trying to read what was written down on it. "Who is Howard Windt...." she murmured to herself as she read the first few words "What does this even mean" she'd look obviously confused, going to inspect the paper itself after reading it "Perhaps someone else will know what to do with this"
Anne-Marie de Ruiter, the Countess of Königstein would be on her usual morning stroll as she caught a glimpse of the washed up piece of paper. The sun would only just begin to break through the horizon, slowly rising it's way above the waves of the sea. They left warm sunrays on the shore, but also the wet, torn out page. She shuffled her way through the sand, extending a hand to grab the piece of paper, waving it a bit before trying to read what was written down on it. "Who is Howard Windt...." she murmured to herself as she read the first few words "What does this even mean" she'd look obviously confused, going to inspect the paper itself after reading it "Perhaps someone else will know what to do with this"
i should just make more letters wash up just for anne