Player Event ☆彡Tʜᴇ sᴇᴀsᴏɴ ᴏғ ʟᴏᴠᴇ

Sitting atop a suitably sized rock, a man adorned in armor glances to the flyer he'd set aside, gained from his visit to Adelsburg. As he polishes his boots - a dark brow raises in thought. "Perhaps a chance to meet new people." He'd think to himself. "Ah, I suppose why not? Though I am sure that women aren't looking for a mercenary..." This thought brought forth a chuckle as he signed up.

IGN: JustGiveCoffee
Character Name: Stefan Roth
[!] Atticus sorted out an outfit, fully planning to ghost once he had a hint of boredom. His mask chosen, and preparations completed-.. He made himself a  BLT sandwich to pass some time before a meditation.

IGN: AnubisWizard223
RP Name: Atticus