✠ Copy of a Custodians' Letter ✠


Gamemaster Team
[!] A black-robed individual would wander along the main road of the Hadrian Empire, delivering a copy of a letter that was send to the ruling nobility of the province of Flüssland. It would be delivered at the doorstep of House Tzyrnowski. Witnesses who saw him speak of him wearing a bone-white skull mask and a nine-pointed star hanging around its neck. [!]


To the ruling House Rovelt of the province of Flüssland,
Several months ago the Cult of Mortius requested for a meeting between members of the Custodians of Mortius and House Rovelt to discuss the presence of possible resting souls in the province of Flüssland and cooperations between both parties. Now, since the recent attack of the Undeath in the lands of Hertzland, and the Cults recent discovery of unreported massgraves from the Rotting Plague, we urge you to answer. If not, the Cult will be forced to take matters into their own hands in order to continue their duties that Mortius bestowed on them, and for the safekeeping of the souls of the human race. If you fail to cooperate, the Cult will be left with no other choice but to take action!

The cult now urgently requests for the response to this letter. We hope this final request will be answered.

May Mortius protect you through the darkest of times.

Brüder Gottfried Fredric Von Wolfhard of the Order of Mortius, Veronia
Schwester Taffeta Blossom of the Order of Mortius, Veronia