Nation Announcement A call for peace.


High King
[!] This letter was sent to the office of the Grand Pensionary of the Hooghlandsche Vrystaet, bearing the royal Hadrian seal. [!]



To the Grand Pensionary of the Hooghlandsche Vrystaet,

Yesternight on the 30th of Eden’s Shine, an operation was carried out in your capital city. As you may have noticed when looking out your window, it was a thundering success. The crown’s troops managed to infiltrate the city and deal with any and all resistance that attempted to stand in their way. Casualties were to be kept to the bare minimum, only those who resisted were harmed during the operation.

The young Stadtholder valiantly resisted, even though it was futile. He was brought to Adelsburg in chains and now sits in our dungeon, awaiting judgement. The young Stadtholder was requested to surrender and step down in favour of his niece, Dame Alice van Leuveren. The Stadtholder decided he would rather rot away than save his people's lives, so I write this letter to you in the hope that you see the light and end this insolent insurrection against the crown.

There is no need for further bloodshed, our intention was never to harm the people of the Vrystaet. Our only intention was to see our rightful lands returned and the young Stadtholder judged in the all-knowing eyes of Alder, the one true deity. Our troops need march no further, your people will be spared only if you make the correct choice. We are to be brothers and sisters, united, yet we cannot let this insurrection fester any longer.

I hereby formally request the complete surrender of the Hooghlandsche Vrystaet, so that your people may be spared. Return to us our lands, give us no reason to march further, there is only one outcome. This offer is final, and will only be made once, your answer will decide the fate of your people.


Philipp Wilhelm II von Lichtenfelts
Kaiser of Hadriana, Imperator et Attia and Protector of the Realm
Would be sitting in his cell hearing cheers and drunken people celebrating through the night thinking to himself
I hope the Emperor lasts longer in the bedroom, than that he has an appetite for fighting this war out. He said as he turned around waiting to hear from his captors