Combat Roleplay (CRP)

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Combat Roleplay (CRP)

Welcome to the Combat Roleplay Rules! (and mainly a guide)
The goal of this document is to explain how to fight with other players as easily as possible.
If you have any questions, please talk to our staff team.​

The Fundamentals

When to use CRP:
Players who wish to engage in combat will first have to decide which combat system they wish to use. The options are Combat Roleplay (CRP) or PVP. If the party disagrees on which system to use, it always defaults to CRP.

If the fighting group exceeds the size of 16 players, the default combat system switches to PVP.
Trying to exploit the CRP limit by moving to a settlement/event in big numbers with the intent to cause trouble knowing that the CRP limit is reached will always result in moderation declaring that a raid has to be conducted in order to be allowed to cause trouble. Usual raiding rules apply to these scenarios.

When the fight is a 1 v 1 scenario, the attacking player always goes first.

When there are more than 2 players engaging in a fight, each player rolls a D100 to decide the order of combat. The order is decided by ranking the initiative rolls from high to low. If two players roll the same number they should re-roll until everyone has a unique number.

The Phases of Combat:
A player’s turn is divided into two phases, the movement phase, in which players may move using the rules in chapter 2, and the action phase, in which players may attack, dash, disengage, use an item or object, or cast a spell.

Hit Points:
Each player starts combat with 12 HP +/- their strength modifier.
Example: 2 strength = 10 HP, 10 strength = 14 HP.
A player's maximum HP is displayed on the character card.

Mount Hit Points:
When a player is mounted when entering combat, use the following rules to determine HP. A player attacking a mounted player can choose to target the horse instead of the player mounted on it.
A horse enters combat with 5 HP. When it is killed in combat, the player riding it has to dismount and takes D3 damage from the fall.
For rules purposes, the horse uses the defensive stats of the player riding it.

Engagement Range:
Players may engage in CRP when both sides are within a maximum radius of 30 blocks from each other.
New players that join in after the opening turn must start their approach on this 30-block engagement range and CRP move their way into combat.

Chapter I. Stats and combat modifiers


Chapter II. The Movement Phase

A player can move up to 4 + 1D6 (agility) blocks in their movement phase. This can be done before or after the player did their action. A player may choose to break up their movement and do two smaller moves before and after their action.

If a player is moving vertically, the blocks going up are counted toward the movement range. (Example: Moving up a ladder)

A player is engaged in melee if the two fighting entities are within weapon range of one another. Players engaged in melee cannot move away without using a disengage action first.

A player can decide to retreat from the action if they are outside melee range and haven't been targeted by any ranged attack or spell for two turns. A retreated player cannot re-enter combat.

If a player has a mount, they may add +8 meters to their movement speed.

If a player falls, jumps, or is thrown down a vertical distance, they take fall damage. For each 3 blocks down, the target player takes 1D2 fall damage.

Chapter III. The Action Phase

A player can only use one action per turn. This can be before or after the movement phase.

Actions can be: attack, dash, disengage, use an item or object, activate an ability, or cast a spell.

Action types:

Attacking: Allows the player to attack another player with a melee of ranged attack.
Casting a spell: Allows the player to cast a spell.
Dashing: Allows the player to make a second movement action if they are not engaged in melee.
Disengaging: Allows the player to move away from melee combat in a radius that is up to 4+D6 blocks.
Use an item of object: Allows players to use magical items, drink potions or use objects in the environment.
Activate ability: Allows players to activate any abilities they may have.

If a player wishes to use items in the environment to perform any type of action, they must request CRP moderation from a Gamemaster or Moderator
They then decide if your actions are possible and what rolls need to be made.

Requesting CRP moderation can be used by performing the following command: /requeststaff Gamemaster/Moderator


A reaction may be declared after a player from the opposing party declares and emotes their action during their turn and is within melee range.
This reaction is then rolled with 1D20 with the modifier it requires before the action of the opposing player is rolled. The player who is targeted by a reaction may also roll 1D20 with the same modifier to see if they ignore the reaction.
A player may only attempt one reaction per combat round. A player can only be targeted by a single reaction per combat round.

Reaction types:
Block movement: Stops players targeted by this reaction from performing the disengage action. (Ex: Pulling, grabbing, tackling, etc.) - Agility
Unbinding: A mage-only reaction that allows spellcasters to stop an enemy spell from going off before it is cast. (Use the magic plugin system to use this reaction) - Intelligence

Chapter IV. CRP (Combat Roleplay)

When two players are locked in combat, they may attack one another in the action phase. To attack a target, the attacking player must write out their action in an emote, and then roll a D20 and apply modifiers to see the effects of their attack. To successfully block an incoming attack, the defender must roll a value greater or equal to that of the attacker using the correct modifier.

Players may apply Strength modifiers to melee attacks.
Players may apply Agility modifiers to dodging, reactions, and ranged attacks.
Players may apply their Defence modifiers to block non-magical attacks.
Players may apply their Intelligence modifiers to spellcasting and blocking magical attacks.

Ranged attacks may only be performed if the target is visible to them. This applies to magical and normal ranged attacks unless a spell or ability says otherwise.

CRP Combat Example:
For this example, we use two imaginary fighters named Boris and Larry.
Larry starts the attack by writing out his action in the In Character (IC) chat channel.
*swings his sword, attacking Boris "Take that!"

After this, Larry rolls a D20 and applies their strength modifier to the outcome. Larry has 12 strength, so he gets a +3 strength modifier.

Boris goes ahead and defends the attack. He writes his action out first...
*blocks the attack with his shield "Not today, mustache man!"

And then rolls a D20 and applies his defence modifier to see if he blocked the attack. Boris has 8 defence, giving him a +1 defence modifier.
/roll 20

Larry rolls a 10+3, and Boris rolls a 14+1. It looks like Boris defended Larry's attack!

This process repeats itself until a player disengages or reaches 0 HP and is defeated. When a player reaches 0 HP, they are knocked out and no longer able to participate in the fight. They also cannot be revived using a healing spell or item either.

Chapter V. Weapon profiles

Players may attack one another using weapons they acquired during their journey on Eden. This section goes through weapon profiles for items a player may carry on them.

Players may only use weapons they have in their inventory. If a player exceeds the weight maximum, they receive a -5 modifier to all their rolls.

Some weapons may have custom rules attached to them. An example of one such item is a casting item for mage characters. Players may apply the special rules in the item’s description and use them if the item has a Loremaster Approved tag.

Getting an item Loremaster approved can be done by creating a support ticket in the Lore Requests section of the Support Discord.

Weapon ProfilesV2.png

Special Weapon RulesV2.png

Chapter VI. Special Character Rules
  • Characters aged 8 to 13 roll a D10+modifiers to determine their actions and reactions instead of a D20+modifiers. (Elves 8-52 | Denur 8-13 | Orc 8-13 | Goblin 8-13 | Tiefling 8-13 | Hafling 8-13 )
  • Characters aged 65+ roll a D15+modifiers to determine their actions and reactions instead of a D20+modifiers. (Elves 260+ | Denur 163+ | Orc 122+ | Goblin 106+ | Tiefling 106+ | Halfling 65+ )
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