Event Announcement Reklaimin' Zadh-Nadrozz

A few groups of rowdy orcs & goblins made their ways towards all the major cities of Eden, hammering letters to the notice boards & spreading them through the taverns, squares and streets. The letters would all have an emblem stamped on them, and would all read as follows:


“Aye, ya gitz ‘n filth! Iz da Foulskinz of da Zavannah ‘ere! Wezz writt'n deez lettahz ‘ere, tah inform yerr all wezz goin’ aftah da Mountain kome Redfall.
Wezz ‘ad tah leave da playze sumtoim ago cuz some smelly fehkah kame along ‘n infekted da playze. Made it all stinkin’ ‘n all dat.
‘Owevah! Ol’ Sugm’a ‘z told uz! It iz prophezoized by da Urneldash, dat if we go tah da Mountain before da fifftienth o’ Redfall, da battle will be eazy ‘n swift, in da favah of all of uz!

‘N sinze uz Orrukz ‘n Gobboz iz da noicezt ‘n most propah of Ladz on da whole o’ Eden, az yerr all know, wezz figured it wudn’ be fair to hog all da fun toimez to uz zelf.
So, if yerr read diz lettah ‘n fink yerr up ferr iz, kome to da Mountain ‘n ‘ave a lil foightin along wiff uz Ladz! Dat iz, if yerr fink yerr kan ‘andle yerrself in da midzt o’ battle!

Now, yerr dun ‘ave tah worry dat all da foightin wont be wurff iz. Even if yerr loze an arm or sumfin, da Medikz will get to ya! ‘N if yerr manage tah hold on ferr long ‘nuff, yerr will get tah share in da loot wez rekover from da Mountain!
‘Owevah, juz know dat if yerr turn out tah be weak ‘z zhoit, we izn’ tah blame if yerr die in da battle!
‘N ferr da wunz wiff Medikal ekzperienze, group up b'fore wezz ztart, ‘n ‘ave a talkin wiff Yazgash da Medik. She will ‘ave a bunzj of instruktzionz ferr yerr all!

Ferr da battlez demzelvez! Wezz will mozt loikely split in a few groupz, kuz we Orrukz iz da mastermoindz of taktikz ‘n wezz figured dat if yerr split up, yerrr kan klear out areaz fastah den when yerr go in wun big group. So, if yerr go out der, juz know dat yerr will ‘ave tah join a group dazz goin’ tah be lead by at leaz’ wun of da Ladz!
Aftah all da foightin’ iz done, wezz gon’ try ‘n klean all da shoit ouffah da Mountain or sum. Wezz will ‘ave tah see ‘bout dat. ‘Zidez kleanin’ up da stinkin mezz in der, derr will alzo be toim ferr zelebratin’, partyin’ ‘n drinkin plenty o’ propah grog! Kuz no foightin’ ‘z kompleet wiffouf a propah party aftah, nay?!

So, ‘gain, if yerr wizh tah kome, prepare yerrzelf ferr sum foightin’, ‘n travel down to Modraz Logh where wezz gon’ be gafferin before battle!”

OOC: This Sunday, at 8 PM CEST we shall try to reclaim Zadh-Nadrozz from the infection.
We’ll start gathering at Modraz Logh at 7:30 PM CEST
Everyone is invited, regardless of race or nation.
Do note: your character can die during this event, but no PK will be forced. You can only die if you consent to it.
Philipp Wilhelm II von Lichtenfelts would be sitting in the palace gardens as one of his servants hurried towards him, holding a piece of paper. He found the language on the paper to be rugged and inconsistent, but he understood when he inspected the emblem. It took him some time to read it thoroughly, yet he got the gist eventually and a wide grin appeared on his ageing face. The Kaiser told his servant "It seems ze Faulskins are not up to ze task, zey need outside help!" and let out a belted laugh, which could be heard across the palace grounds. The servant made an awkward bow at that and left, leaving the Kaiser to wade in his own enjoyment.