Nation Announcement Safe Again.


Trendsetter and Loremaster Buggie
Staff member
[!] Four notes across Salus Limin, Mitrona, Sunscape, and Luminion. It appears to be red ink. It reads the following:


Emerald's Dusk

Vale to all. My hopes in writing these letters will be to have the entire Glade on the same page and be aware of a few dangers.

Raska Lepthil, Rhaemis Spitfire, and Badger are all banished from the entirety of Myln Arbor. Raska Lepthil is banished for assaulting another citizen tremendously, sympathizing with a voidal mage, and leading an underground crime syndicate. Rhaemis Spitfire, for sympathizing with Raska Lepthil and turning her back on the nation for the ringleader. Badger is banished for being the known Hemomancer. This is nonnegotiable and any who wishes to call an audience for this will be ignored.

Maple Nephele is temporarily banned for two years. For threatening to steal a severed arm, and claiming The Thyst would retract support if not. Stepping into Myln Arbor will lead to the De’nevir’s ban to extend.

Furthermore, all gates will be closed. Every outsider will be questioned on how they entered. An outsider may only enter if they have a permission slip for thirty andros from the Khari’cerr herself. Any outsider who comes into the nation will be jailed and starved. If you wish to have a slip yourself, send a letter to the Khari’cerr.

As it’s been for a few months, The Black Rabbit has been banished for unrelated reasons. Officially for pickpocketing, lying, and theft. This is to not be undone. And if caught in Myln Arbor, she is to be captured to then be killed.​
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Amari would read this "And to think.. He potentially almost adopted me. Banishment is too good for him, I hope he chokes on every breath the rest of his life" she would say out loud on her way to archery practice.
Rhaemis stands off to the side of the noticeboard, staring at the paper with an emotionless glare. She pulls the paper from the nail, and reads it again, then laughs to herself. Her tail twitches. "Bleed for a nation, serve it in full, and this is what you are given. Lies." She mutters, her eyes forming slits. Her thoughts running a mile a minute.
'Arrest someone under odd circumstances, perform weeks of interrogation without the public knowing. Without their lover knowing. And then, without any formal trial, any way for him to defend himself - not even a way for the public to see the proof - remove his arm and throw him out.' She crumples the paper in her hand, and turns to walk off.

"If I am a traitor for being unable to standby and watch such a horrible act be committed, then so be it. A traitor I will be."
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Tom would quickly pull the paper off, reading it a couple times in disbelief. There had to be another side to this story. To leave this without BOTH SIDES would be a disrespect to the uniform he wore, and the oath he made.

Tom would immediately start laying out plans to try and meet with the trio.

"Don'tcha worry. Help is on the way." He'd say silently to himself
He’d read the message almost surprised, tho thinking back to their last conversation, a lot of thread started to unwind and jump from point to point, and silently he’d think Is that what the “goblin milking kink sex party” was? Now that would explain the secrecy of the whole thing, and those two were in on the thing’
Nephi'ra's eyes scanned the notice as she held it in her good hand, repeatedly reading it with a displeased expression on her face.
"I would have done much worse to that Hemomancer. But the rest? What did they do with Hesperas when he and his rats were free to roam? It all seems a bit too convenient but that is Mitrona for you. Always has been.."

With a roll of her eyes she pushed the noticed aside, disinterested in yet another fuck-up of the Forest.
Raska would stare at the notice while in the Luminion, keeping his gaze locked onto it for several seconds as he quickly went through the note. The more he read it, the more ridiculous it seemed, and the more angry he got. He clenched his fist, a scoff escaping his mouth as his nails almost begun to draw blood.

'No matter what you tell them, you're already guilty in their eyes. A fair public trial was already out of the question when they went to arrest me.'

He'd control his urge to rip the message off of the noticeboard as he turned around and walked away, fed up with Mitronas apparent justice system.
It is not often the Ritter of Hadriana makes way within the territory of the Elves, however one a fine stroll past Luminion the missive caught his eye. Zladimir was in no rush, deciding to take a look. His eyes widened, letting out a small chuckle..

"Raska, aiding scum? What's the matter with purple goat people wanting to dirty themselves with the liking of voidal magic. And Badger exposed as one of them? Seems like there's another one to add to the list."

He folded the note and mounted Cyrus once more, resuming his casual journey.
It is not often the Ritter of Hadriana makes way within the territory of the Elves, however one a fine stroll past Luminion the missive caught his eye. Zladimir was in no rush, deciding to take a look. His eyes widened, letting out a small chuckle..

"Raska, aiding scum? What's the matter with purple goat people wanting to dirty themselves with the liking of voidal magic. And Badger exposed as one of them? Seems like there's another one to add to the list."

He folded the note and mounted Cyrus once more, resuming his casual journey.
aint no way he said purple goat people
Early in the morning after the notice is posted, Caligo reads it without any surprise, accepting that this was how it would be.

"Serves Raska right for what he did to Rakan. Rhaemis, though...she didn't deserve that. She had no hand in any of this."

His gaze falls over the second-to-last part of the notice.

"I suppose I should become an actual citizen, in that case."

He sighs, then heads into the wilds of the forest, intent on informing the dead about the latest turn of events.
Zyce would grab the notice and while reading it, he couldn't help but sigh. " It seems I've been a tad too trusting. A tad too friendly.... To befriend someone that would torture another and lead a crime ring, I'm shell shocked." He would shrug and would place the notice back where he saw it.
Would cast his hand across the desk, knocking over books and documents... Bringing his hands to his center attempting to calm his breathing, yet his wrath only reminded him of his tie to Ignos and so to his Master. "I grow weary, as my patience, my compassion slowly slips..." He'd whisper in hushed breath to himself. "I was to be the calm, the collected one... Perhaps I wore a mask at times, but I have a good heart, /I wanted what was best!/" He'd bark within the comfort and demeaning silence of his chambers.

"Instead I am made the fool, today I am the jester for even taking part in this gambit." He'd strike his desk once more. "I must be slipping, there is no other answer... For me to act so uncivilized? I knew to do anything but kill that disgusting filth would let them parade a martyr!" The man howling till his lungs locked up like rusted chains.

The mans body would shake as he slowly descended into his chair finding himself gripping the armrests tightly, "'We care not for them' I will hear, 'what's done is done...'" He'd cackle to himself lowly as his eyes became sunken. Apollon's hair would be cast across his gaze like a spiders web, catching his breath. "Justice, impartiality, and fair play... When all is laid bear you twist and writhe like insects, anything to escape what you have coming..." He'd push his hair back slowly, his eyes sharpened for what little time he has before his modest nature returns. "I fear one day I will open my eyes and find I'm no longer walking amongst people..."
Arven's eyes linger on the note, reading it over and over again, searing the words into his mind. "You weave webs like a spider, catch a fly in your trap, and are surprised when a bird finds you sinking your fangs into a meal. Your web is unravelling, it was never well made to begin with."

His eyes track the sky then, aiming northward. Bright, yellow orbs narrowed against beams of sun filtering through the leaves.

"Now, you reap what you sow," he whispers, words lost to the wind as he moves along down the street.
The 'Cill brought the notice to his gaze, squiting his eyes as he read the notice. At seeing some familiar names, he dropped the parchment on the floor below where it was posted. A silent response, if any. Of a man lost deep in consideration.
Normally public notices don't appeal to Fenrin, but he'd been waiting a long time for this one. His eyes flickered with the light of Aether's storms as he read over the announcement, a once placid smile growing as he read on. "Banishment seems light, but-" He paused.

His expression flattened as he reached the end of the notice. His lips thinned as he inhaled in thought, slowly sliding a hand into his pocket, and dropping his gaze to the ground.
"Such a Vari solution.." While he could hardly be surprised, the 'lunn turned and returned to his place on Sunscape, wondering what the future of Mitrona would look like in the coming years.