Forest Guardian spirit of Myln Arbor
[!] A post was put on the noticeboard of Lunburg and was sent to the Hadrian Empire
Transferring of Power
Eden's Shine
Greetings to my beloved citizens and to the Empire.
After careful consideration I've decided it is best to retire, as I have fallen dangerously ill just as my mother Adelaide Rovelt did as well.
I believe that my age is catching up with me and I'm beginning to grow more sickly by the day. If things were to subside I would be more than
happy to accept visitors. For now please keep me within your prayers.
Aside from this matter, It is only natural that the province is given to my bloodborne son, Maximus Rovelt.
I am confident he will serve the empire well just as he has done in the past in his legion days.
From now on please direct all concerns to him or my eldest son Kisho Rovelt.
Lastly, I have had the privledge of being a noble since my birth, so I've decided to donate 1.5k to the Empire.
Whom I trust will do good to the with the funds.
Take care and stay within the path of Alder.
Lady Victoria Rovelt
Transferring of Power
Eden's Shine
Greetings to my beloved citizens and to the Empire.
After careful consideration I've decided it is best to retire, as I have fallen dangerously ill just as my mother Adelaide Rovelt did as well.
I believe that my age is catching up with me and I'm beginning to grow more sickly by the day. If things were to subside I would be more than
happy to accept visitors. For now please keep me within your prayers.
Aside from this matter, It is only natural that the province is given to my bloodborne son, Maximus Rovelt.
I am confident he will serve the empire well just as he has done in the past in his legion days.
From now on please direct all concerns to him or my eldest son Kisho Rovelt.
Lastly, I have had the privledge of being a noble since my birth, so I've decided to donate 1.5k to the Empire.
Whom I trust will do good to the with the funds.
Take care and stay within the path of Alder.
Lady Victoria Rovelt
[ its just for funzies to build a story ]
"Good riddens, praise alder my arse" She tossed aside another imperial letter into a pile "A noblewoman could only bare so much" She said to herself not long before she grabbed her head in pain falling to the ground
"I'm bloody famished. If I have to keep holding myself back like this to feeble cattle any longer I am going to snap." She cursed to herself trembling before looking up at her room of ruined wallpaper and belongings everywhere , the room was a mess which was very unlike her.
"This is all your fault Victor. This insatiable desire will never leave me wont it?." Her gaze traced to the mirror at her very few wrinkles and her sharp crimson eyes that were like bottomless jewels. "How did you do it Arndil? -you taught me what I know yet I surpassed you in every way possible. I'm a winner. I don't lose..."
Unstabiliy in her eyes grew as she simply stared at herself in the mirror. Darkness filled the room, and the shadows would shift as if they were mocking her.
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