The Imperial Diet - A notice to Herzogin Ashlyn Moetieur


High King
[!] A rider would be sent towards Ceril's Keep, bearing a letter with the sigil of the Imperial Diet [!]



To the good Herzogin Ashlyn Moetieur-Burnouf,

I write this letter to you on behalf of the Imperial Diet, as its chairman. During the first rendition of the Imperial Diet, Wisteria Burnouf submitted a proposal to ride south with a force and cleanse the cursed ruins of Catamora. This proposal was eventually revised and it was determined that an envoy would be chosen to discuss the gravity of the situation with the Anjyarri. During the last Imperial Diet there was a vote on who should be the designated envoy, and a unanimous vote determined that you are to lead the delegation south.

You are to assess the situation and report back to the Imperial Diet, so that we may plan a further course of action. You are not to make promises on behalf of our government, nor to aid in any military operation headed by the Anjyarri. I trust you will complete this task with the utmost grace and efficiency.


Markvart von Herdorf,
Chairman of the Imperial Diet
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