The Outcast Family - Proclaimation Head of the Household Van Leuveren


Hertog van de Zuidelijke Hinterlanden
[!] A notice was placed in Leeuwenmarken for bypassers to read and a letter was sent to the Imperial Council of Adelsburg bearing the Van Leuveren Family Crest, awaiting ratification [!]


With kind regards I great thee, members of his Imperial Majesty's council and keepers of the book.
Now that order has finally been established in the greater families of the Empire I wish to establish order in mine.
With humble and gracrious thanks I would applaud the Council's permission to naturalise myself as the current head of the Van Leuveren family.
My house has a difficult legacy, and as per my oath I shall strive to cleanse our name and to serve the Empire faithfully.

To serve the empire faithfully however and as to return to the Hinterlands was not only a gracious gift, but a major responsibility.
A responsibility I bear with a heavy heart, as where I would strive to cleanse the name of Van Leuveren, there are some in the lineage who would have opted to destroy this very fact. As new proclaimed head of the House Van Leuveren I wish to cleanse some of these members and notable traitors to my own name. Where I would have sought cooperation and intergration of Hinterlanders and Attians, these members of my family stood to actively destroy such a union by supporting the reign of the schrizofrenic upjump 'Tzar' who had suddenly forgotten all of his culture. The members of my House in question are: Alice van Leuveren and Johan van Leuveren. These traitors to my name and all I stood for now frolic happily across the Empire still bearing the name my ancestors passed onto our House with noble cause. As they have shown no remorse, no repentance, or even dared to show their face after supporting the revolution and the mumurs farse of a Tzar. I do not regard them still as my family. I do not regard them still as my kin. I do not regard them still as worthy of the name Van Leuveren and I would hereby officially request the Imperial Council stripp them of their name, by my authority as Head of the Household. They would no longer me recognised as nobility, or of noble blood, they are in fact outcast.

Hertog van de Zuidelijke Hinterlanden
Herzog der Südische Hinterlanden
As Jinx walks through Leeuwenmarken her eye falls on the letter "Hm.. what may this be?" she starts to read the letter. As her eyes move over the paper she raises her brow "Strange to see that such wrong information gets spread" Her eyes go further down the page "Written by Silas? Why would he act like he didn't forgive Alice? Why would he say Alice supported the Tzar? She wasn't even there" She'd frown. "Maybe someone faked this?" she thinks with many other questions going through her mind. She walks away leaving her head "How dare he spread information without sharing the full story and without knowing the facts?" She'd say to herself before walking away.
As Jinx walks through Leeuwenmarken her eye falls on the letter "Hm.. what may this be?" she starts to read the letter. As her eyes move over the paper she raises her brow "Strange to see that such wrong information gets spread" Her eyes go further down the page "Written by Silas? Why would he act like he didn't forgive Alice? Why would he say Alice supported the Tzar? She wasn't even there" She'd frown. "Maybe someone faked this?" she thinks with many other questions going through her mind. She walks away leaving her head "How dare he spread information without sharing the full story and without knowing the facts?" She'd say to herself before walking away.
Fact is she’s a traitor