The Sultanate of Anjyarr: Code of Laws


────⊱⁜⊰──── ⋆.ೃ࿔:・ ────⊱⁜⊰──── Preamble ────⊱⁜⊰──── ⋆.ೃ࿔:・ ────⊱⁜⊰────

We, the people of the Sultanate of Anjyarr, under the guidance of our revered Sultan, Ralvvon Menaharian, do hereby establish this Code of Laws to ensure justice, order, and prosperity within our realm. This Code shall be the supreme law, guiding all aspects of governance, society, and the administration of justice.

⋆.ೃ࿔:・ Part I: Fundamental Principles ⋆.ೃ࿔:・

Chapter 1: Sovereignty and Governance

Article 1: The Sultanate of Anjyarr is a sovereign state governed by the Sultan, who is the supreme authority and custodian of the realm.
Article 2: The Sultan exercises executive, legislative, and judicial powers, either directly or through appointed officials.
Article 3: The laws of the Sultanate shall be in accordance with the principles of justice, equity, and the welfare of the people.
Chapter 2: Rights and Duties of Citizens

Article 4: All citizens of the Sultanate of Anjyarr are entitled to the protection of life, liberty, and property; regardless of race or gender.
Article 5: Citizens have the duty to obey the laws, respect the Sultan’s authority, and contribute to the common good.
Article 6: Freedom of religion, speech, and assembly shall be respected within the boundaries of public order and morality.

⋆.ೃ࿔:・ Part II: Governance and Administration ⋆.ೃ࿔:・

Chapter 3: The Sultan

Article 7: The Sultan is the head of state and government, embodying the unity and continuity of the Sultanate.
Article 8: The Sultan shall appoint ministers, judges, and other officials as necessary to assist in the administration of the state.
Article 9: The Sultan may issue decrees, which shall have the force of law.
Chapter 4: The Council of Ministers

Article 10: The Council of Ministers, chaired by the Grand Vizier, shall be responsible for the implementation of the Sultan’s policies and the administration of state affairs.
Article 11: The Council shall draft legislation, manage public finances, and oversee the administration of justice.
Chapter 5: Provincial Administration

Article 12: The Sultanate shall be divided into provinces, each governed by a Zaeim appointed by the Sultan.
Article 13: The Zaeims shall be responsible for maintaining law and order, collecting taxes, and administering local services.

⋆.ೃ࿔:・ Part III: The Legal System ⋆.ೃ࿔:・

Chapter 6: Judicial Authority

Article 14: The judicial power of the Sultanate shall be vested in the courts, which shall operate independently under the authority of the Sultan.
Article 15: The Supreme Court shall be the highest court of the Sultanate, with the power to review all lower court decisions and interpret the laws.
Chapter 7: Civil Law

Article 16: Civil law shall govern contracts, property, family matters, and inheritance, ensuring fairness and justice in all private transactions.
Article 17: Marriage, divorce, and inheritance shall be regulated by the principles of the Code Of Law, as interpreted by the courts.
Chapter 8: Criminal Law

Article 18: Criminal law shall protect the safety and security of the state and its citizens, prescribing punishments for offenses such as theft, assault, and treason.
Article 19: Punishments shall be proportionate to the crime and may include fines, imprisonment, corporal punishment, banishment, capital punishment, or execution as determined by the courts.
  • The following crimes have already been reviewed and given appropriate punishment should they be needed. Each crime committed will however be under the direct judgement of the judge overseeing justice being administered
1. Theft
  • Description: Unlawful taking of another person’s property.
  • Punishment:
  • First Offense: Restitution of stolen property, fine, and public whipping (up to 20 lashes), or imprisonment (1 ooc day)
  • Repeat Offenses: Amputation of the right hand and imprisonment. (1 ooc day)
2. Assault
  • Description: Physical attack or violence against another person.
  • Punishment:
  • Minor Injuries: Public whipping (up to 30 lashes) and a fine paid to the victim.
  • Severe Injuries: Imprisonment (2 ooc days) and compensation to the victim.
3. Murder
  • Description: Intentional killing of another person.
  • Punishment:
  • Premeditated Murder: Death penalty by beheading.
  • Manslaughter: Imprisonment (2 ooc days) and blood money (Diyya) paid to the victim's family.
4. Treason
  • Description: Betrayal of the Sultanate, including acts against the state or aiding enemies.
  • Punishment: Treason in War: Death penalty by hanging or beheading.
  • Other Acts of Treason: confiscation of property, banishment, and or death depending on the severity
5. Corruption
  • Description: Abuse of public office for personal gain.
  • Punishment:
  • Minor Corruption: Dismissal from office, fine, and imprisonment for up to 3 years.
    Major Corruption: Imprisonment (2 ooc days) and confiscation of all illicit gains, then banishment.

    6. Fraud
  • Description: Deceit or trickery to gain financial or personal benefits
  • Punishment:
  • Minor Fraud: Restitution, public whipping (up to 20 lashes), and a fine
  • Major Fraud: Imprisonment (1 ooc day) and confiscation of assets gained illicitly.

    7. Smuggling
  • Description: Illegal transportation of goods into or out of the Sultanate
  • Punishment:
  • Minor Smuggling: Confiscation of goods, fine, and imprisonment for up to two years
  • Major Smuggling: Imprisonment (2 ooc days) and a heavy fine, with possible corporal punishment

    8. Bribery
  • Description: The act of offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting something of value (such as money, gifts, or favors) to influence the actions or decisions of someone in a position of power or authority.
  • Punishment:
  • For giving or receiving a bribe: Imprisonment (2 ooc days) and a fine equivalent of twice the value of the bribe

⋆.ೃ࿔:・ Part IV: Rights and Liberties ⋆.ೃ࿔:・

Chapter 9: Civil Liberties

Article 20: Citizens have the right to seek redress for grievances through the courts and other lawful means.
Article 21: Freedom of expression shall be protected, provided it does not infringe upon the rights of others or threaten public order.
Chapter 10: Social Welfare

Article 22: The state shall ensure the provision of basic necessities, such as education, healthcare, and housing, for all citizens.
Article 23: The Sultanate shall promote social justice and equitable distribution of wealth and opportunities.

⋆.ೃ࿔:・ Part V: Economy and Resources ⋆.ೃ࿔:・

Chapter 11: Economic Policy

Article 24: The state shall regulate the economy to promote sustainable development, trade, and the welfare of the people.
Article 25: The Sultanate’s natural resources are the property of the state and shall be managed for the benefit of all citizens.
Chapter 12: Taxation

Article 26: The state shall levy taxes on income, property, and trade to fund public services and development projects.
Article 27: Taxation shall be fair and equitable, with provisions for exemptions and relief for those in need.

⋆.ೃ࿔:・ Part VI: Foreign Relations and Defense ⋆.ೃ࿔:・

Chapter 13: Diplomacy

Article 28: The Sultanate shall pursue peaceful and cooperative relations with other nations, based on mutual respect and non-interference.
Article 29: The Sultan, as the chief diplomat, shall have the power to negotiate treaties and alliances, subject to the advice of the Council of Ministers.
Article 30: Citizens of the Sultanate will, unless specified otherwise, always retain the rights of citizenship when travelling to other nations. There are however, subject to the laws of the lands they travel in.
Article 31: If a citizen of the Sultanate breaks a law in another nation, or is arrested, it is within the Sultan's duty to address the matter with said nation. Punishment should not be dealt without the Sultan's direct authority, as the citizens are the property of Anjyarr.
Chapter 14: National Defense

Article 32: The defense of the Sultanate is the responsibility of all citizens, with a standing army and other forces maintained for national security.
Article 33: The Sultan shall be the supreme commander of the armed forces, with the authority to declare war and peace.

⋆.ೃ࿔:・ Part VII: Amendments and Interpretation ⋆.ೃ࿔:・

Chapter 15: Amendments

Article 34: This Code may be amended by the Sultan, with the advice of the Council of Ministers, to address new circumstances or improve governance.
Article 35: Amendments shall be enacted through a formal decree and shall be binding upon all citizens.
Chapter 16: Interpretation

Article 36: The interpretation of this Code shall be the responsibility of the courts, with the Supreme Court having final authority.
Article 37: In cases of ambiguity, the intent and spirit of the law shall guide its application.

────⊱⁜⊰──── ⋆.ೃ࿔:・ ────⊱⁜⊰──── Conclusion ────⊱⁜⊰──── ⋆.ೃ࿔:・ ────⊱⁜⊰────

This Code of Laws, once promulgated by the Sultan, shall be the binding framework for governance and justice in the Sultanate of Anjyarr, ensuring the prosperity and well-being of all its citizens.

May your path be bright, and Aros' waters guide you

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