The Path of a Squire | Cedryk Tzyrnowski


High King

[!] The declaration was sent to Cedryk Tzyrnowski himself and hung upon the walls of Schloss Rosenberg, for all passers-by to read. [!]




The life of a squire begins with an inexperienced young man, wishing to be more than he currently is. Be they high- or lowborn, they wish to test their mettle and prove their merit. A long and hard-fought journey led them from battles against fierce beasts to a battle with mind and soul. Their years of training would inevitably prepare them for a life in service of the Order, their Kaiser, and their Fatherland.



One such story is about Cedryk Tzyrnowski, a boy turned man who spent many of his adolescent years squiring for Hochmeister Markvart von Herdorf in the Order of the Golden Rose. In Schloss Rosenberg, he was trained and guided as he climbed the steps to Ritterhood, to where he has now passed all three trials of thorns and is ready to take his most important and final step. Many would have given the young man a chance, given he comes from a reputable dynasty, though his work ethic is unmatched by his peers. His sense of chivalry, duty, and honour has impressed even the most cynical amongst the Order's ranks.



During this trial, the young Cedryk encountered a large troll near the northern borders of the Empire, his weapon of choice was a longsword. While initially on the back foot in the encounter, Cedryk was able to turn the tide and climb onto the back of the troll, planting his longsword into the neck of the beast. The creature fell into the river, colouring it red.


During the trial of mind, the young Cedryk was tested on his godly and worldly knowledge via a written exam. Here he answered eighty percent of the questions right, putting him well clear of the required score. During his preparations for the exam, Cedryk was reported by his peers to not have left the archives for more than three days.



During this trial, Cedryk was paired with the Erzbishop of Norbüren, his town of origin, Kvothe Folkvarthr. With him he spent twenty-four hours, praying and learning about the Alderist faith in the Temple of Adelsburg. He was deemed by the Erzbishop to be of pure mind and spirit and passed his trial with flying colours.




Within the coming Saint's Days, Cedryk Tzyrnowski shall be dubbed Ser Cedryk in the eyes of Alder, and the state, and become a full-fledged Ritter of the Order of the Golden Rose.


Markvart von Herdorf

Hochmeister of the Order of the Golden Rose, Herzog of Hölzland

Cedryk's biggest supporter, Anne-Marie de Ruiter would be on her daily stroll, passing by Schloss Rosenberg as the flyer caught her attention. Her eyes landed on a familiar name, though she kept quiet, a huge and proud smile curled her lips as she simply nodded in approval.
The emerald eyes wandered back home, almost dragging his feet and having still subtle hues of pain spreading through his visage with each step. On his way he saw the missive and a bright smile emerge from the ginger beard.

"To use the word pride would not do justice to what i feel right now...but to see how you grown from a little one back in Lünburg to a man now in the brings me much joy"
"Oh? Who? Ah- Ja? Truly?" A certain Bartosz Tzyrnowski would speak as he was informed and made aware of Cedryk's most recent proclamations and delcarations, offering a nod of affirmation to the news he heard as he spoke, "Gutt.. it means that he Ist continuing to do what he set out to do. Gutt, that Ist Gutt.." He proclaimed himself, pinning the parchment against a wall Norburen castle.